Defining and Measuring Effectiveness

The district defines, measures, and reports teaching effectiveness and uses this information to inform all other aspects of the human capital system.
Does your district:
  • Have clear and consistent practice standards that reflect current research on practices that improve student learning?
  • Measure teaching effectiveness using both adherence to practice standard and value-added student outcomes?
  • Provide principals and other evaluators with easy access to teaching effectiveness data as well as contextual factors (e.g. teaching load, course assignment, student attendance and mobility, etc.)?
  • Evaluate teachers at least annually—more frequently for those without tenure or struggling?
  • Support and hold accountable principals and other teacher evaluators for timely, accurate, and rigorous evaluations?


The district recruits and hires talented teachers to work in teams that, match experience and capabilities to the needs of the job.
  • Does your district have an effective program for hiring high-quality teachers for all positions—especially in high-need areas and low-performing schools?
  • Do principals have the authority to choose and assign teachers based on the fit of the skills and expertise with team, school and student needs?
  • Does your district provide additional support to schools with high concentrations of new or underperforming teachers?

Individual Growth

The district views teacher professional growth and support broadly, integrating human capital, professional growth, and teaching support.
Does your district:
  • Ensure professional growth investments are aligned with the district’s context and vision of how to improve instruction?
  • Ensure teachers have sufficient time to meet both individual growth and organization needs?
  • Include less direct professional growth investments, such as department staff time devoted to building teaching capacity, teacher time set aside for professional growth and collaboration, or “lanes” when quantifying total professional growth investment?
The district ensures the financial sustainability and quality of professional growth programs.
Does your district:
  • Limit use of short-term federal funding to startup costs, rather than ongoing costs, such as compensation for coaches?
  • Leverage external resources and technology to promote quality and efficiency?
The district structures development and career opportunities to encourage professional growth and retain the most effective teachers and leaders.
  • Do all teachers have individual professional growth plans, informed by evaluations?
  • Is professional growth primarily job-embedded, supported by school-based leaders or instructional coaches?
  • Does your district provide support at critical career junctures—such as induction, remediation, transition to leadership, or when certifying for high-need areas?

School-Based Support

The district ensures that teaching teams include expert coaching support and schedules time to collaborate on improving instruction in response to student needs.
  • Are teachers deliberately organized into teams with complementary skills and experience?
  • Do teacher teams have at least 90 minutes per week of collaborative planning time?
  • Are school-based lead teachers and coaches selected from high-performing teachers, with clear job descriptions and adequate time allowances?
  • Are principals held accountable for effective use of school-based support resources?

Compensation and Career Path

District compensation models and career paths reward the greatest contributors and attract top talent to the biggest challenges.
  • Are teacher salaries and benefit structures competitive with surrounding districts?
  • Do teachers in hard-to-staff subjects or schools receive differential compensation?
  • Does the district provide high-performing teachers with opportunities for leadership paths and/or flexible workloads?
  • Does the district promote only those teachers who are most effective and actively “manage out” those who are not effective?
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