Standards and Instruction


I know what my child is expected to learn this year, or where I can find that information (in all applicable languages).
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
What my child is learning in school will set him/her up for success.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
  • Priority 4: Pupil achievement

Formative Assessments

My child’s progress is assessed regularly throughout the year and instruction is adjusted as needed.
  • Priority 4: Pupil achievement
  • Priority 8: Other pupil outcomes
I receive regular updates on my child’s progress.
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
  • Priority 4: Pupil achievement

Professional Development

I am aware that my child’s teachers receive professional development, primarily “job-embedded” to help them be better teachers.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
I am aware that my child’s teachers collaborate with other teachers to enhance their instructional practice.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards


Career Pathways

At my child’s school there are teachers in different positions – some more senior, others more junior or some that play different roles (e.g., “teacher leaders”).
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 6: School climate


My child’s teachers have the opportunity to collaborate and learn from each other.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 6: School climate


I trust the evaluation process to accurately assess my child’s teachers.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment

Hiring and Assignment

My child’s school hires high quality teachers.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
My child’s teachers are the right fit for my child.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment

Individual Development

My child’s teachers use up to date and innovative methods of instruction.
  • Priority 6: School climate
My child’s teachers feel comfortable integrating technology in to lessons.
  • Priority 6: School climate
Ineffective teachers do not stay long at my child’s school.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment

Instructional Practice

My Child understands the homework being sent home and can do it independently.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 4: Pupil achievement
  • Priority 5: Pupil engagement
My child is progressing through subject material at an appropriate pace.
  • Priority 4: Pupil achievement
  • Priority 8: Other pupil outcomes

School Design

School Portfolio

The district has deliberately planned for schools of different sizes, themes, and grade configurations.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
My child is able to participate in the programs that interest him/her.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 7: Course access
(For Special Ed or ELL parents): The school district does a good job providing necessary, high-quality services balanced against the need for inclusion.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 7: Course access
(For choice districts only): I am able to send my child to the school I wanted him/her to attend.
  • Priority 6: School climate
  • Priority 7: Course access

Strategic School Design

My child’s school uses innovative approaches to grouping students – sometimes my child is in a larger group, other times he/she is in a smaller group or gets 1-1 attention.
  • Priority 5: Pupil engagement
My child is able to receive additional help when he/she needs it.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 6: School climate
Time is well used during the school day.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 5: Pupil engagement
  • Priority 6: School climate
The school addresses students who need intervention early with appropriate support.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 7: Course access



The principal at my child’s school is an effective professional, and the school is well-run.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 6: School climate
  • Priority 7: Course access
My child sees the principal in the classroom on a regular basis.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 5: Pupil engagement
My child’s principal is responsive to my concerns.
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
  • Priority 5: Pupil engagement


The principal at my child’s school is a good fit for our school.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 6: School climate

School Support


The district spends money effectively to support schools and child learning.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 5: Pupil engagement
  • Priority 6: School climate

Individualized School Support

The district provides my child’s school the support it needs to succeed.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 4: Pupil achievement
  • Priority 7: Course access
  • Priority 8: Other pupil outcomes

School Evaluation

The district has accurately assessed how well my child’s school is performing.
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement

Turnaround Strategy

The district has identified schools that are low performing and is working to improve them.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 2: Implementation of state standards
  • Priority 5: Pupil engagement



My child’s school receives their fair share of resources based on their population.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 4: Pupil achievement
  • Priority 7: Course access
  • Priority 8: Other pupil outcomes


The principal and other school leaders are able to determine how they use staff and other resources at the school.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 7: Course access


I have access to data on how the district is spending money at my school.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
I am able to understand the school budgets published by the district.
  • Priority 1: Basic-- teacher appropriate assignment
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
I understand how funds and staff are allocated to schools.
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement


Engage community stakeholders

My child’s school effectively involves parents and other community members in important decisions affecting the school.
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
The district effectively involves parents and other community members in important decisions affecting the district.
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement

Engage Families

My child’s school effectively engages me in my child’s learning.
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement

Maximize Community Resources

My child’s school uses community organizations to offer enrichment and social service support.
  • Priority 3: Parental involvement
  • Priority 6: School climate
  • Priority 7: Course access
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480 Pleasant Street, Suite C - 200

Watertown, MA 02472


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