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Online Tools

ERS Tools are trusted resources for education leaders, practitioners, and policymakers seeking guidance to make transformative change.

Looks like you haven't used any tools yet. Here are a few recommended tools to get you started.

Budget Hold'em for Districts

What's the “return on investment” in your school system budget? Explore options that balance investments and savings with a focus on the real bottom line—student performance.

ESSER Hold'em for Districts

ESSER Hold'em encourages districts to move from default ways of investing to rich conversations about ESSER planning that inform investments and drive dramatic improvements in student learning.

The Strategic System Snapshot | Mini

See how your district resource decisions compare to best practice with this web-based self-assessment tool. Taken on your own or with a group, this questionnaire tallies and analyzes your responses to show where you are doing well and where you might need improvement.

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